AUR hasa long history of involvementwith WFP.We regularly welcome guest speakers from theOrganization, our students undertake internships at its headquarters in Rome, and we are proud tohaveseen ten of our graduates go on to assumeroles withinthe Organization. We alsocountamongour facultya formerSenior Officer of WFP.

WFP’s mission has had a direct influence on the development of ourMaster of Artsprograms in Food Studies and Peace Studies. Their efforts to address the causes of world hunger andpromotefood sustainability areprecisely the fields in which we prepare our graduates to make meaningful contributions in their future careers.

Guest speakers Natalie Ching and Katharina Weltecke

Coincidentally, on the eve of the award announcement,AUR’s MA in Food Studies students were welcoming guest speakers Natalie Ching (AUR alumna) andKatharinaWelteckefrom the World FoodProgrammein Rome. NatalieandKatharina presentedsome of the new initiativescurrentlyundertaken bythe Organization, includingtheappShareTheMeal,whichallowsusersto ‘share their meal’ with children in need for just US$0.80. This struck a chord with our students as they appreciated the way in which itenables everyone toget involved in the work of the WFP.

ShareTheMealraises funds to feed peoplein needandin so doing contributes to theOrganization’s ultimate goal ofa world with zero hunger. Users canchoosewhere their donation willbe directed, andwith aquicktap on the app theygiveUS$0.80 (or more). The United Nations World Food Programme receives the funds and provides the meals. In the app,users are shownhowthe money they donate becomes meals, and how those mealsare fighting hunger.

Currently, over 85 million meals have been shared. You can learn more and download the app at

The2020Nobel PrizeCommittee statedtheir wish

“to emphasise that providing assistance to increase food security not only preventshunger butcan also help to improve prospects for stability and peace...With this year’s award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to turn the eyes of the world towards the millions of people who suffer from or face the threat of hunger. The World Food Programme plays a key role in multilateral cooperation on making food security an instrument of peace, and has made a strong contribution towards mobilising UN Member States to combat the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.”

AUR offers itscontinued andwholehearted supportof the WFP’s efforts andtakes heed of its reminderthat food securityand peaceare intrinsicallylinkedand that international solidarity and multilateral cooperation are key to humankind and its coexistence with the earth’secosystems.

Congratulations again to the United Nations World FoodProgramme.